Monday, 25 March 2013

On the Big Screen

If a famous director wanted to make a movie about one of your female ancestors who would it be? What actress would you cast in the role and why? (Fearless Females - Lisa Alzo)

I think this would have to be Anne Forbes who came to Australia on the First Fleet. She had three husbands and thirteen children and was one of the catalysts for the Norfolk Island Mutiny. Life for women in the early days of the colony was very difficult - the only way to have a hope of being safe was to attach yourself to a man. Not all Ann's choices worked out well, but it seems she ended up living happily with Thomas Huxley.

Who to play Anne? Probably Jessica Hynes. She'd need to darken her hair to brown, but I think she could play the emotional toughness needed. I've seen her in a few things (Learners, Spaced and Dr. Who Family of Blood) and always liked her, and for some reason she's the one who comes to mind.

2 April - Just found this image of Jessica Hynes from "Burke and Hare". Perfect.

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